Large-span Prefab Warehouse Hall With Steel Structure Perfect Design

Large-span Prefab Warehouse Hall With Steel Structure Perfect Design
The steel structure warehouse is the large-span steel structure building. It is located in Indonesia.
According to clients demands, our professional design team provide the steel structure hall drawing .
The steel structure building wall is the rockwool sandwich panel . The door is roolling metal door.The steel
building has not only warehouse ,but also the hall and the office . We customize the steel structure design
for our clients.
In the manufacturing process ,we control the quality for our clients , For example , byy adopting proper
welding node construction design measures and technical measures, the welding deformation of the steel
structure can be effectively controlled to achieve the purpose of ensuring the quality of the project.
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ZYM After-Sale Service , we will still provide the service after the steel structure installation.
For further information feel free to contact us